Blend Space Design
The Professional's Guide to Adobe InDesign

It's my birthday weekend!

I thought this was a good chance to extend a special offer to you for my

ENTIRE InDesign video series for only $9!

(Well, actually $8.82. That's 82% off!)


This is a monthly subscription, but you can cancel at ANY time (even after the first month).


This offer of 82% off (that's crazy. Birthday crazy) expires Sunday night, April 21st at midnight.


Start by clicking on any lesson below.

If this is your first time accessing the lessons, please follow the procedure below to

create a new account and then enter the discount code sent to you in your email.


Scroll down to read more about what you get in the series.


Bookmark and return to this page to access any of the lessons.


Welcome to

The Professional's Guide to

Adobe InDesign Video Series

Subscription Special Offer

Registration Process

TRT: 25.51


Creating a New Document

The Interface & Control Panel

Creating a Workspace


Lesson 1: Introduction & Interface

TRT: 34.13

Introduction to Preferences

Intro to the 3 Primary Objects

Rounding Corners

Creating a Text Frame

Drawing Lines

Lesson 2: Working with Objects

TRT: 57:16

Setting Up a Multi-Column Layout

Character Formatting


Paragraph Formatting

Lesson 3: Typography

Aligning Objects

The Align Panel

Smart Guides


TRT: 19::01

Lesson 4: Aligning Objects

TRT: 45:42


Multi Column Text Boxes

Span Columns

Placing Text

Preview Mode

Text Wrap

Text Frame Options

Overset Text

Paragraph Rules

Baseline Grid

Lesson 5: Working with Text

Lesson 6: Text Styles

TRT: 1:12:38


Paragraph Styles

How to Edit a Style

Style Options

Creating a Style


Make a New Style

Apply Style to Selection

Add to CC Library

Redefining Styles

Based On

Overrides (Part 2)

Style Groups

Duplicating a Style

Fit Frame to Content

Character Styles

Next Style

Drop Caps

Nested Styles

Aligning to Baseline Grid

Clean Up with Tracking

Override Highlighter

TRT: 8:54

Creating an Object Style

Applying Next Style

Quick Apply

Lesson 7: Object Styles

Lesson 8: Navigating the Document

                   & Master Pages

TRT: 45:18

The Pages Panel

Adding Pages

Navigating Pages

Moving & Deleting Pages

Creating a New Master Page

Renaming a Master Page

Applying a Master to a Page

Master Page Items


Automatic Page Numbering

Parent/Child Relationship

Creating a Nested Style

Facing Pages


Lesson 9: Graphics

TRT: 52:29

Placing an Image

Graphic File Formats

Resolution & File Size

Raster vs Vector

Selecting the Image

Fitting Options

Text Wrap

Applying Effects

Editing an Image

Link Status

Exploring the Links Panel

Exploring the Links Panel

Creating a New Master Page

Refining the Master

Placing Text in a Master Page Item

Creating a Style Group

Create a New Style

Redefining the Style

Remove Multiple Returns

Placing Multiple Images

Frame Fitting Options

Preview Resolution

TRT: 30:41

Applying Color


Creating a Swatch

Tint Swatches

Spot Colors

Ink Manager

Lesson 10: Color

Lesson 11: Putting it All Together

TRT: 1:53:07


Making the Cover

Using Master Pages


Applying Masters

Layers 2

Text Frame Options

Object Styles

More with Masters

Building Pages

Story Editor

Vertical Justification

Redefining a Style

Making Overrides

Paragraph Styles

Building the Columnist Layout

Placing Text

Show Import Options

Placing Images and Text Wrap

Building the News Page

Aligning to Baseline Grid

Continuing to build the News Page

The Feature Section

Hanging Punctuation

Continuing with the Feature

Having Fun with the Feature


Frame Fitting Options

Nesting Paragraph Styles

in Object Styles

Linking Text

Creating an Arrow

Continuing with the Feature

Contributors Page

Creating Libraries

Sections and Numbering

Creating Style Groups

Building the Table of Contents

Non Printing Objects

Back to the Table of Contents

Formatting the Table of Contents

TRT: 34.13

Preflight Panel

Creating a Preflight Profile



Exporting to PDF

Lesson 12: Preflight/Printing/Package/PDF


Import from Excel

Reverse Headers


Right Justify Tab

Keyboard Shortcuts


(And more videos added all the time!)

Lesson 13: Advanced Tips & Techniques

What is it?

Do you want to become an InDesign superstar? Let me be your guide. I've been working in the publishing and design field for over 25 years and I've been teaching people just like you how to use Adobe InDesign in a way that will enable you to build rock solid documents and templates. I'll take advanced techniques and make them easy to understand and implement, and I'll make it fun!

This is not just a course with "how-to" videos. I will teach you how to do it RIGHT. You'll learn how to BEST use what InDesign offers!

"Before you know it, you will knock it out of the ballpark with your documents!"

Who is Your Instructor?

(Hint: It's Jonathan Levit)

With over 25 years of experience working in the design, publishing and production world, I have worked with and helped improve the production workflows of the top magazine, newspapers and advertising agencies in the world, including Nokia, Boeing, Disney, Warner Brothers, Elle, Ogilvy & Mather, The LA times (to name just a few). I have helped them to reduce their production time from hours (and days) to minutes, and have enhanced the aesthetic of their layouts.

And now I’m bringing all of my experience to you in this video series. My years of experience in understanding how to build the best documents and templates can be found within this course.

What Do You Get?

13+ hours of video
Over 170 videos
Free updates



“His class fun and engaging throughout.”

“The best instructor I’ve had.”

“Wow, what a great class!”

“It has been an awesome experience!”

"Jonathan is the best instructor I’ve ever had!”

“You’re a great teacher.”


As a benefit of The Professional's Guide to Adobe inDesign, I create new videos as features are added to InDesign and as requests come in. I'm thrilled to announce two new videos have just been added!


Introduction & Interface


Creating a New Document

The Interface & Control Panel

Creating a Workspace


Working With Objects

Introduction to Preferences

Intro to the 3 Primary Objects &

The Control Panel

Rounding Corners

Creating a Text Frame

Drawing Lines


Setting Up a Multi-Column Layout

Character Formatting


Paragraph Formatting

Aligning Objects

Aligning Objects

The Align Panel

Smart Guides


Working With Text


Multi-Column Text Boxes

Span Columns

Placing Text

Preview Mode

Text Wrap

Text Frame Options

Overset Text

Paragraph Rules

Eye Dropper

Baseline Grid

Text Styles


Paragraph Styles

How to Edit a Style

Creating a Style


Make a New Style

Apply Style to Selection

Add to CC Library

Renaming Styles

Redefining Styles

Based On


Renaming Styles

Setting Defaults

Style Groups

Duplicating A Style

Fit Frame to Content

Character Styles

Next Style

Drop Caps

Nested Styles

Aligning to Baseline Grid

Clean Up with Tracking

Override Highlighter

Object Styles

Creating an Object Style

Applying Next Style

Quick Apply

Navigating the Document
& Master Pages

Understanding the Pages Panel

Adding Pages

Navigating Pages

Moving & Deleting Pages

Creating a New Master Page

Renaming a Master Page

Applying a Master to a Page

Understanding Master Page Items


Automatic Page Numbering

Parent/Child Relationship

Creating a Nested Style

Facing Pages



Placing an Image

Graphic File Formats

Resolution & File Size

Raster vs. Vector

Selecting the Image

Fitting Options

Text Wrap

Applying Effects

Editing an Image

Link Status

Exploring the Links Panel

Creating a New Master Page

Refining the Master

Placing Text in a Master Page Item


Applying Color


Creating a Swatch

Tint Swatches

Spot Colors

Ink Manager

Putting it all Together


Making the Cover

Using Master Pages


Applying Masters

Layers 2

Text Frame Options

Object Styles

More with Masters

Building Pages

Story Editor

Vertical Justification

Redefining a Style

Making Overrides

Paragraph Styles

Building the Columnist Layout

Placing Text

Show Import Options

Placing Images and Text Wrap

Building the News Page

Aligning to Baseline Grid

Continuing to build the News Page

The Feature Section

Hanging Punctuation

Continuing with the Feature

Having Fun with the Feature


Frame Fitting Options

Nesting Paragraph Styles

 in Object Styles

Linking Text

Creating an Arrow

Continuing with the Feature

Contributors Page

Creating Libraries

Sections and Numbering

Creating Style Groups

Building the Table of Contents

Non Printing Objects

Back to the Table of Contents

Formatting the Table of Contents


Preflight Panel

Creating a Preflight Profile



Exporting to PDF

Advanced Tips and Techniques


Import from Excel

Reverse Headers

Bullets and numbering

Right Justify Tab


Tab Leader


Align to Grid

Keyboard shortcuts

Table of Contents? (Extra)

CC Libraries

Setting up a non uniform grid


Document Fonts


Custom Baseline Grid

Text clean up


Primary text frame

Rotate Spread View

Align with spine

Layer trick

Building captions.

Anchored Object


Import Options

Book Feature

Transform Again